Efeitos secundários podem incluir:
- Prurido Rectal
- Lama Anal
- Desejo Incontrolável De Comer Mais Frango
- Ter Relações Sexuais Com Mulheres
- Usar Demasiadas Maiúsculas
- Prurido Rectal
- Lama Anal
- Desejo Incontrolável De Comer Mais Frango
- Ter Relações Sexuais Com Mulheres
- Usar Demasiadas Maiúsculas
A Confused Mind
Previamente demolhado por lbruno
sexta-feira, maio 19, 2006
Mr. Baggins! It seems you have been leading... two lives.
In one life, you are Frodo Baggins, an ordinary hobbit living in the
Shire: You give generous gifts to children, you organize your uncle's
memoirs... You even have an affair with your... gardner.
In your other life, you are an adventurer, known by the hacker alias
"The Ring Bearer": You leave your village defenseless, you lead your
friends into harms way, carrying The One Ring to Mount Doom.
One of these lives has a future, Mr Baggins; the other does not.
[Based off Mr. Andrews .sigfile. Hello sir!]
1 Cheiradelas
para quando novos posts meus caros?!
, Ã s